For any business, PPC is an important part of advertising. Companies large and small are realizing that you need real experts to manage these campaigns in order to reap the rewards. But do you need to outsource this vital part to an outside agency? We’ll be taking a look at the pros and cons of outsourcing PPC campaigns.


Expertise and access to cutting-edge technology

In the age of the internet, it’s important to know what you’re doing when it comes to PPC. While Google has a certification for their AdWords, it doesn’t give you all the insight you need when creating a campaign. PPC Agencies know the finer points of making a PPC campaign successful. You get a better ROI when you use an agency because they know how to optimize the resources at the disposal.

Industry contacts

Even if you have a competent team to manage your PPC campaign, they don’t necessarily have the industry contacts you need to answer questions. Agencies have access to beta programs through Google Partnerships and can also have connections to Google itself, helping you clarify and resolve issues quickly.

Greater ROI

The initial investment in outsourcing your PPC to an agency may not seem worth it at first, but in the end you can see better results. Outside agencies have PPC experts who can get the job done in a fraction of the time an in-house manager can. This can save you both time and money and allow your own team to focus on other tasks at hand. PPC takes a lot of effort and you don’t want to spread your staff too thin when instead you could be focused on running your business.



While the final result may be worth outsourcing, some companies really don’t have the budget to pay for an outside agency to do their PPC management. In that case, they may choose to keep it in-house, instead investing in training their own team through Google AdWords Certification and a Google Analytics course. As your company grows, you can decide if your in-house team is reaching the results you want or if it would be worth it to switch to an outside agency.

They don’t know you

Having your PPC management in-house can offer an advantage if you have a specific vision for your campaign. Your employees know the intricacies of your business and it is much easier to hold them accountable. Outside agencies are not necessarily invested in your mission the way you need them to be and they have many other clients to juggle. If you want a more personal management style, consider having in-house experts.

There are advantages to both in-house PPC management and outsourcing to an agency. The one you choose is based on your goals, priorities, and budget. It will also depend on what your revenue goals are and how much you’re willing to allocate to get your best return on ad spend (ROAS). Not sure how to determine your business goals? You can call or email us and we’ll help you out.

Last Updated on April 9, 2024