what is website accessibility

What is website accessibility?

Making websites easy to use for people with disabilities. Making it easy for people with disabilities to see, understand, move around, and use the website.

It is a set of rules, behaviors, code standards, and design guidelines that were created by the W3C and are called the WCAG 2.1.- a guidebook that enlists a range of disabilities that go from hindering internet use to making internet use impossible without adjustments. This spectrum actually comprises 20-25% of the general population. There are many disabilities covered, and the primary categories that require attention are:

  • those who are visually impaired and use screen-readers,
  • the motor-impaired who use the keyboard to navigate,
  • epilepsy, color blindness,
  • those with cognitive and learning disabilities

Why should websites become accessible or ADA compliant?

On March 18 2023, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued an opinion on ADA Compliance related to websites. This is the first time an official stance has been voiced about ADA Compliance for business websites. You can find and read the article here.

It has now become official that business websites should become more accessible or ADA compliant, and therefore we believe that this will increase the number of lawsuits for non-compliant websites.

Many small to medium-sized businesses have already been hit with thousands of lawsuits and demand letters relating to website accessibility over the past 2 years.

Here are some industries that could get affected the most:

eCommerce Businesses

Automotive Industry

Food Industry

Finance Industry

Education Industry

Healthcare Industry

What are the benefits of website accessibility?

Mitigating Litigation Risk

In 2021 the average settlement amount for websites with accessibility issues was $30,000. Demand letters were sent to about 30,0000 websites. Making your website more accessible helps manage litigation and reputational risk.

Better site performance

An accessible website means that more people visit, there is more engagement, the site shows up higher on search results. Basically this makes people easier to find your site online.

Better brand reputation

Being accessible means you believe in social responsibility which also means your brand reputation improves. Once you implement an accessibility solution, you will have an accessibility statement, and this says a lot about your brand.

Expanding your user base

Making your website accessible to everyone is sending a message that you are inclusive. You are allowing around 15% of the world's population who have disabilities to use it; this broadens your site’s target and therefore improves traffic.

What options do you have?

If you choose to proceed, we have a simple, streamlined solution for you! MantraM Digital Media has partnered with accessiBe to provide an ADA compliant solution for your website!

accessiBe is the leading AI-powered web accessibility solution that makes websites accessible to people with disabilities, and compliant with the WCAG, ADA, and other accessibility legislation.


Why use accessiBe?

  • Easy, fast implementation
  • Persons with various disabilities can adjust how they view and interact with your website without interfering with the codebase, layout or design
  • accessiBe re-scans and re-analyzes your website every 24 hours to maintain ADA and WCAG compliance
  • Receive personalized reports that you can use to prove compliance
  • MantraM Digital Media will install and configure accessiBe on your behalf

Watch how accessiBe works!

PLUS: You can try it for yourself on this page! Click the acessibe-icon icon on the bottom of the screen.

What’s the price for accessiBe?




For websites under 1,000 unique pages

Make your site ADA compliant today!

Please fill out the form below and we will handle everything!

Website Accessibility